Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sample Program Overview for Economic Development and Employment Generation through Family Based Capitalization (FBC)™

Developing/promoting/nurturing/constructing/advocating/popularizing FAMILIPRENEURSHIP to maximize wealth and optimize capital;
Ø  INCREASING social capital by promoting/using/developing Familiness
Ø  EXPLORING potentialities of individuals
Ø  VALUING human, knowledge and social capital
Ø  OPTIMIZING use of human, knowledge, social, natural capital
Ø  MINIMIZING the roles/needs of finance capital
Ø  ORGANIZING scattered resources into performing asset and capital
Ø  UTULIZING financial opportunities
Ø  FACILITATING Family Edutainment
PROMOTE socioeconomically and environment friendly sustainable Family Enterprise.
Ø  RESTORING inherited but shrink tradition and indigenous knowledge, culture, practices and values
Ø  INSTITUTIONALIZING social educational and learning system through family basedEdutainment.
Ø  CREATING employment opportunities within the family and/or community to reduce internal labor migration.
Ø  IMPROVING accessibility, reliability, function ability, transparency and structural improvement of Alternative Dispute Settlement Process in local and community level which will drastically reduce the burden of formal judicial and administrative system.
Ø  ESTABLISHING multidimensional role of family as a social catalyst to remove all sorts of discrimination and injustice towards an inclusive just society with diversity.

1.      Family Profile
Ø  Exploring Present venture      
Ø  Individual SOWT analysis
Ø  Kinship
Ø  Family/Social/professional Circle
2.     Planning Exercise
3.     Need Assessment
4.     Action Plan with time frame
5.     Support services
Short term supports
Ø  Feasibility/Viability assessment
Ø  Training and motivation through Edutainment
Long term supports
o   Pre-incubation program
o   Incubation program
o   Transgeneration preparation program
o   Access to finance
o   Seed Capital
o   Information
o   Networking
o   Incentive/ Insurance
o   Crisis/Resource/Community centre
o   Bonding>Bridging>Linking
6.      Results/outcomes
o   Immediate
§  Income & Employment generation
o   Long term
§  Economic
·         GDP & per capita income growth
·         Poverty reduction
·         Social stability & peace
·         Social capital
§  Social
·         Rights with Dignity
·         Democracy with Justice
7.      M & E
o   Social audit
o   RBM
o   Social Rating
8.      Sustainability
            It will be owned, controlled and managed by the beneficiary for their own shake.

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