Sunday, May 29, 2011

Family Based Capitalization (FBC)™

Making the Future by Shaping the Present

Family Based Capitalization (FBC)™: Restoring family as an entrepreneurial unit towards an entrepreneurial society by using Familipreneurship as a tool for interactive and evolving movement for the change to be ONE™;Virtually boundary/borderless An entrepreneurial world to build an equitable and just human civilization. FAMILIPRENEURSHIP™; entrepreneurship of a family as an entrepreneurial unit which enables them to utilize optimum opportunity and resources to activate as performing capitals ((Financial capital, Human capital, Physical capital, Social capital, Knowledge capital, Cultural capital and Intangible capital and natural capital)) Familipreneurship determines and architects matrix relationships of individuals with Family, community, society, nation and the world as an entrepreneurial village.
Bondage Linkage and Network in various forms are the largest social capital of mankind which remains mostly unused and undetected. Utilization of social capitals maximize wealth and optimize performing capitals by accumulating scattered, unused and undetected resources for making the future by shaping the present. FBC envisions an entrepreneurial society of healthy and just families. A family is a miniature of our society, even it is prototype of a country in terms of its functionalities.

Family is the most primitive and trusted institutions of human history. Still today its role and importance is pivotal. As an institution family is contributing maximum benefit to the society, which is commonly remaining unrecognized and uncounted. Family bonding is highly define and explicit than any other forms of organization. Familiness is a unique and irreversible relationship. Family is the first place to learn for individuals. The lessons learnt from family, are most influencing and effective for individuals. Family is the fundamental unit of our social construct. Irrespective of all other we identity we all belong to a common identity i.e. family identity. We may have different social, economical or occupational identity, but we are belonging to a family.
 Our learning begins from family first. Our basic life skill and mind set grows from family culture which have ever lasting and enormous effects on rest of life. Culture of a society mostly depends on families' culture of that society, individual characteristics of a person drastically influenced by other family members’ character. So it can be argued that Just family is the precondition of a just society, for ensuring a just society where all sorts of discrimination and violence will be diminished, we have to ensure healthy and just family.

Communities do not exist in isolation but in relationship with others, as well as their natural and institutional environment. The strengths of them lie in their internal relationships (bonding), relations with other communities (bridging) and relations with their natural and institutional environment (linkage). This will enhance the process of inclusion internally and resulting more opportunities to link with the holistic development approaches.

Vision and Mission

Ø  Just and friendly society.
Ø  Restoration of inherited but shrink tradition and indigenous knowledge, culture and practices.
Ø  Establishing social norms and values through enriching Family values.
Ø  Multidimensional role of family as a social catalyst to remove all sorts of discrimination and injustice towards an inclusive just society.
Ø  Institutionalization of social educational system through family and Community.
Ø  Improved reliability, function ability, transparency and structural improvement of Alternative dispute settlement process.
Ø  Entrepreneurial community
Ø  Converting family into Enterprise by counting its in-house nonmonetary activities in GDP
Ø  Making scattered/unused/undetected resources into performing Capitals
Ø  Integrating work and family
Ø  Family reunion
Ø  Optimum utilization of social capital
Ø  Reduced reliance on Finance capital


=>Family club=>Village/Para/Moholla
Family+Community=Faminity club=>Word>community level
Family+society=Famity club =>UP>local level
Familipreneur club=>Upazila/Thana/Pourosova>Gateway for upward linkage
Familiprise club=>District> Gateway for upward and/or downward linkage
Forum of familipreneurs=>National>Coordination and international collaboration


National level
Policy environment
Community through family level
Developing/enhancing/functioning/activating Capitalization capabilities

Ø  IDENTIFY all household members.>>>> From invisible to visible.
Ø  MAKE family profile>>>Need assessment and SWOT analysis
Ø  TRANSFER knowledge and skill>>>Empowerment to defend self
Ø  COMBINE personal/individual choice opportunity and potentiality
Ø  ENCASH of resources and opportunities
Ø  FORM family groups.>>>> From segregation to confederation.
Ø  CHANGE attitude and mind set.>>>> From ‘for the people’ to’ by the people’.
Ø  DEVELOP local solutions for local problems.>>>>> From endogenous to indigenous knowledge.
Ø  BUILD alliance with other stakeholders.>>>> From isolation to Networks, bondages, links.
Ø  ACCUMULATE capital.>>>>> From scattered resource to valuable wealth.


Ø  Family integrity > social integrity >> community wealth >>> familipreneur nation of enterprises
Ø  Diverse and enriched society
Ø  Sustainable and convertible Wealth and capital

Sample Program Overview for Economic Development and Employment Generation through Family Based Capitalization (FBC)™

Developing/promoting/nurturing/constructing/advocating/popularizing FAMILIPRENEURSHIP to maximize wealth and optimize capital;
Ø  INCREASING social capital by promoting/using/developing Familiness
Ø  EXPLORING potentialities of individuals
Ø  VALUING human, knowledge and social capital
Ø  OPTIMIZING use of human, knowledge, social, natural capital
Ø  MINIMIZING the roles/needs of finance capital
Ø  ORGANIZING scattered resources into performing asset and capital
Ø  UTULIZING financial opportunities
Ø  FACILITATING Family Edutainment
PROMOTE socioeconomically and environment friendly sustainable Family Enterprise.
Ø  RESTORING inherited but shrink tradition and indigenous knowledge, culture, practices and values
Ø  INSTITUTIONALIZING social educational and learning system through family basedEdutainment.
Ø  CREATING employment opportunities within the family and/or community to reduce internal labor migration.
Ø  IMPROVING accessibility, reliability, function ability, transparency and structural improvement of Alternative Dispute Settlement Process in local and community level which will drastically reduce the burden of formal judicial and administrative system.
Ø  ESTABLISHING multidimensional role of family as a social catalyst to remove all sorts of discrimination and injustice towards an inclusive just society with diversity.

1.      Family Profile
Ø  Exploring Present venture      
Ø  Individual SOWT analysis
Ø  Kinship
Ø  Family/Social/professional Circle
2.     Planning Exercise
3.     Need Assessment
4.     Action Plan with time frame
5.     Support services
Short term supports
Ø  Feasibility/Viability assessment
Ø  Training and motivation through Edutainment
Long term supports
o   Pre-incubation program
o   Incubation program
o   Transgeneration preparation program
o   Access to finance
o   Seed Capital
o   Information
o   Networking
o   Incentive/ Insurance
o   Crisis/Resource/Community centre
o   Bonding>Bridging>Linking
6.      Results/outcomes
o   Immediate
§  Income & Employment generation
o   Long term
§  Economic
·         GDP & per capita income growth
·         Poverty reduction
·         Social stability & peace
·         Social capital
§  Social
·         Rights with Dignity
·         Democracy with Justice
7.      M & E
o   Social audit
o   RBM
o   Social Rating
8.      Sustainability
            It will be owned, controlled and managed by the beneficiary for their own shake.

Pilot Program Structure for Entrepreneurial Orientation

Do what you Enjoy

 “Unlock your potentials..... Be your own BOSS”

Ø TRY it, KNOW it
Ø  Explore yourself
o   SWOT analysis
§  [Maximize] Strength
§  [Overcome] Weakness
§  [Optimize] Opportunity
§  [Bypass] Threat
Ø  Set the GOAL
§  Expectations
§  Limitation
o   Why you
§  Tuning

Ø  Make PLAN
o   Start action
§  Interpret
§  Innovate
o   Make change
Ø  SUCCESS as an option not a destination
Ø  Gateway
o   Networking
o   Sharing
§  Empowerment
·         Rights with dignity